Exercises for after surgery
It is important that you do the exercises recommended by your physical therapist after your joint replacement.
NOTE: Reference to the "operated leg" refers to the joint that is causing you discomfort.
Click each video for a demonstration of the exercise.
Ankle Pumps Transcript is below
While lying on your back with knees straight, pump your ankles up and down. Repeat 30 times.
Quad Sets (with towel) Transcript is below
Lie on your back with your knees straight and your heels supported on a towel roll. Press the back of your knee down onto the bed by tightening the muscle on the front of your thigh.
Hold for five seconds, relax.
Repeat ten times.
Gluteal Sets Transcript is below
Lie on your back and squeeze your buttocks muscles together. Hold for five seconds. Relax. Repeat 10 times.
Straight Leg Raising Transcript is below
Lie on your back with your non-operated knee bent, so your foot is flat on the bed. Tighten the muscle on the front of your thigh and straighten the knee fully on the operated side. Keeping your knee straight, lift the operated leg several inches off the surface of the bed.
Hold for 3 to 5 seconds and slowly lower the leg back down.
Repeat 10 times.
Heel Slides Transcript is below
Lie on your back with your knees straight. Slide the heel of your operated leg along the bed toward your buttocks as far as you can.
Repeat 10 times.
Short Arc Quads Transcript is below
Lie on your back with a rolled blanket or towel roll placed under your knee. Tighten the muscle on the front of the thigh and straighten your knee.
Hold three to five seconds.
Repeat ten times.
Long Arc Quads Transcript is below
Sit with your feet on the floor. Straighten the knee of the operated leg as far as you can.
Hold three to five seconds.
Repeat ten times.
Seated Knee Flexion Stretch Transcript is below
When sitting in a standard chair, gently use your non-operated leg to slide the operated leg back until you feel a stretch in the knee.
Hold three to five seconds.
Repeat ten times.
Standing Hamstring Curls Transcript is below
Stand with your hands on a counter, stable chair, or on your walker for support. Bend the operated knee, bringing your heel towards your buttocks.
Repeat 10 times.